Thursday, December 6, 2018


One of The Heartfelt's favorite places to visit is the rugged coast of Maine.
It's well known that Daddy B.B. is a sucker for interesting names, so, when
he found Cape Porpoise, just above Kennebunkport, he had to visit.

When he and Red were at the local grocery store, they bought a tub
of dip, made by some ladies from the area. The cashier commented 
that the dip was former President George H.W. Bush's favorite. He
and his wife, Barbara, summered on nearby Walker's Point and they
would shop there.
When Daddy B.B. returned home he made his version of...
41's Favorite.

copyright 2018 B.Buntline

1 comment:

  1. how i love the heartfelts...i am see more................
